(grades 4-6)
Safe At Home
A new title designed specifically around both RP1162 gas safety communication requirements, as well as national and state science, math and language arts standards.  It is quickly becoming our most sought after title.  It uses a hands-on, activity-based format that encourages classroom use and family/community involvement. 

Safe at Home materials include:


Sample Topics:

Classroom Demos:
Questions?  Please contact us:
or email: service@entfored.com

Copyright 2006, Enterprise For Education
Sample Scratch & Sniff Card
Recent comments from a survey of NW Natural sponsored teachers:

Thank you so much for these materials. My students had no knowledge of natural gas safety before these lessons. They liked the scratch and sniff cards and their student booklets.
Carolyn Henricksen, Madison Elem., Coos Bay, OR

This really helped with our state testing! The kids were very prepared because of you! The kids really enjoyed the whole booklet. Thank you!
Nichole Gorman, Oak Hills Elementary, Beaverton, OR

A great supplemental activity to our science units. The students liked learning about their home. They liked the comic characters and the activities.
Anthony Baker, 4J School District, Baker, OR

Loved it all—graphics and attractiveness, subjects covered and teacher background info to teach along with was EXCELLENT. We were grateful!
Sherry Todd, Bridlemile Elementary, Portland, OR

Science experiments and general knowledge presented in an interesting setting. It reinforced prior learning about fossil fuels, gases, and safety.  Students seemed to enjoy it all. Thanks for an excellent learning/teaching tool!
LaFaye Engle, Weddle Elementary School, Salem, OR

Doing in-class demonstrations really helped to cement an understanding of gas safety for my students. There was not any part of Safe at Home that the students did not like.
Rosalind Curry, Russell Academy, Portland, OR